Gotham – Season 3 Episode 9

“Mad City: The Executioner” Though the central plot in this week’s Gotham was Jim Gordon’s chance to prove he’s serious about returning to the straight and narrow it was Ivy and Nygma’s plots that really caught my attention, not least because I was wrong about Isabella surviving her accident. I really thought that she was…

Gotham – Season 3 Episode 8

“Mad City: Blood Rush” Gotham finally gives Michael Chiklis something to do in season 3… by turning Barnes into Judge Dredd, replete with “I am the law” quote. Now, I’m assuming the actual idea is to make him into a villain called The Judge, possibly based on judge characters from the comics? My knowledge of…

Gotham – Season 3 Episode 7

“Mad City: Red Queen” Gotham’s season 3 plan for Jim comes to a head in ‘Red Queen’, forcing him to consider both his past and future actions. This is something I’ve been waiting to see for a while now. I’d thought it would come mostly through Barnes originally, then maybe through a villain and some…