On the D/L – Constantine

Season 1 Episode 5 – “Danse Vaudou” John Constantine heads to New Orleans to investigate a series of ghost themed murders in the area. He and Zed team up with police officer Jim Corrigan (Emmett J. Scanlan) who is uninitiated into the ways of the Supernatural. After last week’s strong episode giving the impression that…

On the D/L – Constantine

Season 1 Episode 4 – “A Feast of Friends” Constantine really knocks it out of the park this week with a story that is very much informed by John’s past and explores him as a character for the first time. When Constantine’s old friend Gary (Jonjo O’Neil) shows up looking for help with a particularly…

On the D/L – Constantine

Season 1 Episode 3 – The Devil’s Vinyl John Constantine heads to Chicago to track down a record that holds the voice of the devil leading him to cross paths with comic character Papa Midnite (Michael James Shaw). For the most part this episode works but I am concerned about the procedural nature of the…

On the D/L – Constantine

Season 1 Episode 2 – “The Darkness Beneath” John Constantine heads to a mining town to investigate the supernatural themed death of a miner and meets the mysterious Zed (Angélica Celaya). There’s something about this episode that makes it feel like an “average Constantine episode” while also being a story that would easily have fit…

On the D/L – Constantine

Season 1 Episode 1 – “Non Est Asylum” DC continues their domination of the small screen with Constantine, based on the Hellblazer comic series and I suppose loosely on the 2005 Keanu Reeves story of the same name. John Constantine represents the occult fantasy fueled side of the DC universe so naturally his stories are…