Supergirl – Season 3 Episode 18

“Shelter from the Storm” Supergirl picks up on Reign’s mission to sever any connection she might have to Sam’s life as Kara and Lena still struggle to trust one another. Last week was a big episode in a lot of ways. Two of the Worlkillers were dispatched, Reign tripled her power level and Ruby became…

Supergirl – Season 3 Episode 17

“Trinity” Supergirl deals with the fallout of Kara learning what Lena has been doing with Sam/Reign and the team faces off against the combined might of the Worldkillers. Lena Luthor has always been an interesting presence on this show. The Luthor label is always something she is going to have to battle against to some…

Supergirl – Season 3 Episode 16

“Of Two Minds” Supergirl introduces the third Worldkiller as Kara butts heads with Imra and Lena starts to understand what triggers Sam’s transformation into Reign. Some effort has been made in the recent episodes to establish how big a threat Pestilence is. She is the entire reason behind Mon’El, Imra and Brainy being in the…

Supergirl – Season 3 Episode 15

“In Search of Lost Time” Supergirl deals with conflicts that have been lurking just below the surface as M’yrnn’s illness worsens to the point that it affects other people. One of the great things about science fiction is the potential to explore something real through a fantastical lens that can exaggerate the point so that…

Supergirl – Season 3 Episode 14

“Schott Through the Heart” Supergirl returns from an extended hiatus with a rare Winn focused episode and a plot that largely stands on its own. It has been a while since this show has been on. The decision to put Supergirl on hiatus to return when DC’s Legends of Tomorrow wraps up its third season…

Supergirl – Season 3 Episode 13

“Both Sides Now” Supergirl introduces another World Killer and deals with lingering relationship dynamics as it breaks for a long hiatus. Season long villains have a strong chance of running out of steam very quickly as has been proven in the other DC shows so steps have to be taken in order to make allowances…