
Two Christian Missionaries try to spread the word of God in 17th century Japan and face no end of violence and persecution. in Martin Scorsese’s Silence. This is a difficult film for me to review as there’s very little technically wrong with it. Despite that I found it very difficult to engage with the material…

Midnight Special

Jeff Nichols’ Midnight Special follows a father and son on the run from the government and a cult who want to exploit the child’s special powers. This film should be right up my alley as on the surface it seems like a thought provoking Sci-Fi mystery that wouldn’t be out of place on The Twilight…

Star Wars Episode VII – The Force Awakens

JJ Abrams brings Star Wars back to the big screen with The Force Awakens. This entry serves as the next part of the saga following on from Return of the Jedi as well as being a convenient jumping on point for new fans. This is going to be a difficult one to review as the…