The Flash – Season 2 Episode 17

“Flash Back” The Flash looks back to the past as Barry travels back in time to look for help increasing his speed from Eobard Thawne. Time travel is a really tricky idea in storytelling and The Flash hasn’t typically handled it all that well. When Barry decided that he was going to travel back in…

The Flash – Season 2 Episode 16

“Trajectory” The Flash comes back from hiatus by introducing a new speedster and delivering some revelations that further the conflict with Zoom. In the early part of the episode I wondered if this was going to be a fairly disposable outing with a one shot villain to kill time before the buildup to the finale…

The Flash – Season 2 Episode 15

“King Shark” The Flash brings back the CGI monstrosity King Shark to deliver something of a third act to the Earth-2. By CGI monstrosity I don’t mean that Killer Shark looked bad. I think that he looked amazing and really shows how talented the visual effects artists who work on this show are. Between this…

The Flash – Season 2 Episode 14

“Escape From Earth-2” The Flash concludes the visit to Earth-2 with Wells and Cisco mounting a rescue of the captured Barry before their window of opportunity to return to Earth-1 runs out. This episode had a lot to live up to after the stellar outing last week. Many shows have a problem concluding a two…

The Flash – Season 2 Episode 13

“Welcome to Earth-2” The Flash finally takes members of Team Flash over to Earth-2 on a mission to track down Zoom and rescue Harry’s daughter. Who doesn’t love an alternate universe story? The idea of seeing familiar characters portrayed differently is always fun to explore and it lets the actors cut loose with an alternate…

The Flash – Season 2 Episode 12

“Fast Lane” The Flash explore more of Harry’s internal conflict and prepares for a visit to Earth-2 as Barry takes on a villain with the ability to turn himself into tar. I’ll start with the villain, Tar Pit (Marco Grazzini) because there’s really not much to say about him. He was certainly one of the…