10 Worst Films of 2016 (Graeme)


It’s that time of year, and “the boss” told me it was time to put together the top ten best and worst lists for 2016, so let’s get stuck in with the stinkers. Before I start, just a quick note to say there may have been films I enjoyed less than some of the movies…

Top 10 Best Movies of 2015

Top 10 Best Movies of 2015

Now that the Top 10 Worst Movies of 2015 is out of the way it’s time for me to talk about my favourites. I chose to do this one last as I wanted to end the year on a positive note instead of having my last article of 2015 be a negative one. Hopefully many…

Top 10 Worst Movies of 2015

Top 10 Best Movies of 2015

It’s that time again where the year has come to an end and everything needs to be sorted out into lists. I didn’t see every film in 2015 because that would most likely be impossible and there’s plenty I avoided because I didn’t like the look of them so this list is only based on…

Marvel Ranking

Marvel Ranking

With the upcoming release of Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron I figured I’d throw my hat in the ring and attempt my own Marvel Ranking. Below you’ll find my list of the Marvel movies in order of quality from worst to best. It’s something that a lot of websites do so I thought it’d be…

Top 10 Best Movies of 2014

I decided to post the negative first and end on a positive note. I saw a lot of good movies in 2014 so this was a hard list to narrow down to just 10. Ultimately I went with the 10 that made a bigger impression on me than the others. As with my other list…

Top 10 Worst Movies of 2014

Well 2014 is over with so it’s customary to sum up the year in some form of list. I’ve decided to do articles listing my best and worst films of 2014. There are a couple of little caveats before we continue here. These lists are only based on films I saw at the cinema in…