Supergirl – Season 6 Episode 7

“Fear Knot” Supergirl takes the team to the Phantom Zone on a rescue mission where they have to face their deepest fears. The opening arc of this season where Kara has been trapped in the Phantom Zone has been a mixed bag as any arc on this show is but one thing it has done…

Supergirl – Season 6 Episode 6

“Prom Again!” Supegirl continues with Brainy and Nia’s time travel adventure with complications that risk threatening the timeline. I mentioned in my review of the previous episode that there was clear padding in order to make this story spill over onto a second episode. This is further evident through how little really happens over the…

Supergirl – Season 6 Episode 5

“Prom Night!” Supergirl sends Brainy and Nia back to 2009 in search of a DNA sample that will prove instrumental in freeing Kara from the Phantom Zone. Time travel is often handled with a lack of sophistication in the Arrowverse and in many ways this episode is no exception but it does provide an opportunity…

Supergirl – Season 6 Episode 4

“Lost Souls” Supergirl continues to split the time between Kara working to escape the Phantom Zone and the team dealing with the Phantoms threatening National City. Verdict A good episode that maintains the strong character work in both ongoing plots and plays to the strengths of those interactions. Both plots are near the point of…