Doctor Who – Season 10 Episode 8

“The Lie of the Land” Doctor Who closes off the arc started in “Extremis” and continued in “The Pyramid at the End of the World“. I’ve been very vocal about how weak the previous two episodes have been. Despite some strong ideas and excellent acting the overall premise has been fairly badly executed to the…

Doctor Who – Season 10 Episode 7

“The Pyramid at the end of the World” Doctor Who continues the story started last week with a mysterious 5000 year old pyramid that appears overnight. Global threats have happened so often in the revived Doctor Who that they’ve become something of a joke. It gets to the point where the Earth has been threatened…

Doctor Who – Season 10 Episode 6

“Extremis” Doctor Who reveals the occupant of the vault and the Doctor is recruited by the Vatican to investigate a mysterious book. The concept is a simple yet interesting one. I love the idea of a book that causes people to drop dead shortly after reading it. It’s a compelling mystery and feels like an…

Doctor Who – Season 10 Episode 5

“Oxygen” Doctor Who heads into outer space to a space station filled with corpses where oxygen is considered a valuable commodity. This season has pretty much been defined by mysteries though as I’ve said before most Doctor Who episodes are a mystery in the beginning as there’s always a period of time before the Doctor…

Doctor Who – Season 10 Episode 4

“Knock Knock” Doctor Who delivers a Haunted House episode when Bill moves into student accommodation that turns out to be too good to be true. This show is often celebrated for its versatility. It can be anything the writers want it to be because the format allows for the Doctor and his companion to appear…

Doctor Who – Season 10 Episode 3

“Thin Ice” Doctor Who picks up from last week in London of the past as the Doctor and Bill investigate mysterious lights beneath the ice that cause disappearances. Part of the introduction of a new companion is exposing them to the storytelling potential that this show has and exploring how they react to it. Bill…

Doctor Who – Season 10 Episode 1

“The Pilot” Doctor Who begins the final season for current Doctor Peter Capaldi and current showrunner Steven Moffat with the introduction of a new companion and a mysterious creature to be dealt with. New companion episodes are always interesting on a conceptual level. In each case it provides a jumping on point for new fans…

Doctor Who – 2016 Christmas Special

“The Return of Doctor Mysterio” I’m writing this on Christmas Day which means that the annual Doctor Who Christmas Special is there to be talked about. For this episode, Doctor Who jumps on the superhero bandwagon when a young child swallows a gem that grants him his deepest wish. That wish is to have superpowers…

Doctor Who – 2015 Christmas Special

“The Husbands of River Song” Merry Christmas everyone. Christmas Day means many things to people and one of those is the annual Doctor Who Christmas Special. This episode marks the Peter Capaldi incarnation meeting recurring character River Song (Alex Kingston) for the very first time. I mentioned in my review of the special from last…

Doctor Who – Season 9 Episode 11

“Heaven Sent” Doctor Who approaches the finale of season 9 with an episode entirely focused on the Doctor as he navigates a maze of his own fears. I have criticised Steven Moffat in the past for weighing Doctor Who down with unrealistic stakes that are completely detached from the emotional core of the story. He is…