Supernatural – Season 15 Episode 2

“Raising Hell” Supernatural continues its final season with further efforts to keep a lid on the mass haunting situation from the previous episode. It’s rare to have an episode of Supernatural follow directly on from the events in the previous one. This would typically happen at the end of a season because a story is too…

Supernatural – Season 15 Episode 1

“Back and to the Future” Supernatural begins its final season picking up where the last one left off with the odds stacked against Sam, Dean and Castiel. Part of me never thought I’d see the day that I’d be covering the final season of Supernatural but all things do have to end and it looks…

Supernatural – Season 14 Episode 20

“Moriah” Supernatural closes out its penultimate season with focus on the current Jack problem and the return of a familiar face. I mentioned in my review of the previous episode that the attitude to what Jack had done felt out of character for the Winchesters and seemed to exist to manufacture the required drama to…

Supernatural – Season 14 Episode 19

“Jack In The Box” Supernatural marches towards the season finale by continuing the tension around Jack’s unpredictability and how different parties try to deal with that. There is one scene in this episode that sums up Jack’s mental state at this point in time. It’s the scene where he sits alone with his thoughts -and…

Supernatural – Season 14 Episode 18

“Absence” Supernatural deals with the fallout of the previous episode and continues to explore how much of Jack’s soul has been lost. The previous episode had some very obvious foreshadowing of Mary Winchester’s fate that led up to a cliffhanger ending suggesting that she was in real danger around Jack after what he did to…

Supernatural – Season 14 Episode 17

“Game Night” Supernatural continues to explore the question of whether Jack still has a soul as a familiar antagonist makes an unwelcome return. The restoration of Jack’s powers countered by not knowing the extent of the consequences attached to this has been a source of intrigue over the past few episodes. Jack is being keenly…

Supernatural – Season 14 Episode 16

“Don’t Go In the Woods” Supernatural introduces a brand new monster and lets Jack hang around with people close to his physical age. There isn’t a lot to say about the Sam and Dean portion of the story. All in all it’s a fairly serviceable monster hunt narrative that the writers can probably pull off…

Supernatural – Season 14 Episode 15

“Peace of Mind” Supernatural picks up the pieces from the devastation at the end of the previous episode and explores the consequences for the characters. Last week ended with both death and rebirth. Maggie and the other Hunters were brutally killed at the hands of Michael just before Jack killed him and regained his own…

Supernatural – Season 14 Episode 14

“Ouroboros” Supernatural returns from a hiatus and settles the audience in with what appears to be a fairly standard hunt on the surface but goes off in a surprising direction. Fans of this show know the routine when it comes to a hunt by now so this episode largely skips the preliminary stages of it…

Supernatural – Season 14 Episode 13

“Lebanon” Supernatural celebrates its 300th episode with a family reunion, a creepy killer ghost clown and a temporal paradox. Here we are at another Supernatural milestone. The 200th episode was unadulterated fan service in the best way. It’s hard to believe another 100 episodes have happened since then with no end in sight for the…