Mr Right

If, at the beginning of the Edinburgh International Film Festival, you’d told me my favourite celluloid presentation would be a movie about a dancing assassin and the lovably crazy woman that falls for him, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have called the folks in white coats to come see you, but here we are with…

The Hateful Eight

Quentin Tarantino’s eighth film is also his second western and by his own admission, we can expect at least one more. To say that is an exciting prospect after The Hateful Eight would be a major understatement. The film opens on snow covered, western landscapes that would feel at home in any John Ford epic….

On the Silver Screen – Selma

Ava DuVernay’s Selma tells the story of Martin Luther King’s (David Oyelowo) campaign to secure equal voting rights for black people by organising a march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama in 1965. To say that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was an influential historical figure would be a vast understatement so making a film that…