Supergirl – Season 5 Episode 7

“Tremors” Supergirl is all about reveals with the truth about Leviathan, Kara learning of Lena’s true intentions and J’Onn learning the true location of his brother. It’s amazing how much things can change in the space of a single episode. The previous outing did an admirable job showing the influence Leviathan has while still leaving…

The Flash – Season 6 Episode 7

“The Last Temptation of Barry Allen Part One” The Flash tests Barry in the hours before Crisis hits with an offer that could save his life at the expense of his soul. First of all, apologies to those who were looking to read my review on last week’s episode. Life got in the way and…

The Flash – Season 6 Episode 5

“Kiss Kiss Breach Breach” The Flash has Cisco take the lead on a murder mystery as Joe becomes acquainted with Nash Wells. It has been previously established that Cisco is Barry’s choice for taking up the mantle of leadership once Barry’s inevitable death comes to pass. As this episode begins he’s still struggling to find…

Supergirl – Season 5 Episode 6

“Confidence Women” Supergirl delivers a Lena centric episode that chronicles the rise and fall of her friendship with Andrea while delivering insight into Andrea’s history. I’ve mentioned in prior reviews that scenes between Andrea and Lena are interesting because they are peers who challenge each other equally. Katie McGrath and Julie Gonzalo also convey their…

Supernatural – Season 15 Episode 2

“Raising Hell” Supernatural continues its final season with further efforts to keep a lid on the mass haunting situation from the previous episode. It’s rare to have an episode of Supernatural follow directly on from the events in the previous one. This would typically happen at the end of a season because a story is too…

The Flash – Season 6 Episode 4

“There Will Be Blood” The Flash continues to deal with the prospect of Barry’s unavoidable death as he tries to prepare Cisco for life without him. Readers of this site will know that I’ve been very critical of The Flash in the past as it dramatically reduced in quality after a stellar first season. It’s…

Supergirl – Season 5 Episode 5

“Dangerous Liaisons” Supergirl makes use of the newfound camaraderie found between Kara and William as the Leviathan plot gains some traction. Clandestine -and often ancient- organisations are a dime a dozen within the Arrowverse. It’s getting to the stage where it’s difficult to imagine what can be brought to the table where they’re concerned at…

Supergirl – Season 5 Episode 4

“In Plain Sight” Supergirl says goodbye to a major character as J’Onn continues to deal with the threat of his brother and Kara learns more about William. It was announced a while ago that Mehcad Brooks would be leaving the series in order to pursue his own projects that he needs additional time for. It’s…

The Flash – Season 6 Episode 3

“Dead Man Running” The Flash deals with the acceptance of certain death and the importance of honesty when Barry starts to prepare the team for the coming Crisis. There was a time where this show was immensely frustrating in how repetitive it was when it comes to Team Flash being honest with one other. Week…

Arrow – Season 8 Episode 2

“Welcome to Hong Kong” Arrow continues its final season victory lap by reminiscing about the show’s third season as Laurel deals with the loss of her world. Many would argue that the Hong Kong flashbacks in season 3 are a chapter of the show’s past better left forgotten as time might be better spent on…