The Expanse – Season 5 Episode 5

“Down and Out” The pace of The Expanse once again alters, this time slowing down a little as the enormity of the previous episode’s destruction and loss of life is given time to sink in. With the Solar System still reeling from Inaros’ meteor attack, the aftermath has left many people in unenviable positions, and…

Doctor Who – New Year’s Day Special 2021

“Revolution of the Daleks” A new year brings new Doctor Who with the Doctor being once again plagued by her most famous foe as an old friend shows up to provide assistance. Dalek episodes are an interesting phenomenon in Doctor Who for a few reasons. Of course they’re the most famous enemy the Doctor has…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 12

“There is a Tide…” Star Trek: Discovery airs its penultimate episode with the ship under siege and an offer that could change the Federation forever. One of the bigger problems that has plagued this season is world building or the lack of it. Venturing into a new and unexplored time period provides plenty of opportunity…

The Expanse – Season 5 Episode 4

“Gaugamela” After a character-heavy opening of season 5, The Expanse shifts gears into an action-oriented chapter as a revolutionary killer’s plan of fear and destruction is put into motion. The bulk of my last review was built on The Expanse generally being heavily geared towards the characterisation of its main players, both central and supporting,…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 11

“Su’Kal” Star Trek: Discovery reveals the source of The Burn and gives Tilly a trial by fire in the Captain’s chair. This won’t be new information to anyone who has read any of my reviews this season but I don’t find The Burn to be an engaging mystery. It’s a catastrophic event that happened prior…

The Expanse – Season 5 Episode 1-3

“Exodus”, “Churn”, “Mother” The Expanse makes a welcome return to our streaming screens, and true to its name expands its vision of the technologically advanced far future where human foibles remain unchanged even after the passing centuries. When reviewing TV shows, it’s normally straightforward to decide the manner in which you do so, as they…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 10

“Terra Firma Part 2” Star Trek: Discovery continues to focus on Georgiou as she relives a significant time in her life. This episode has a mountain to climb going in as success is largely dependent on how much you can invest in the Mirror Universe. I’m of the opinion that the Mirror Universe is a…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 9

“Terra Firma Part 1” Star Trek: Discovery devotes time to finding a solution to Georgiou’s problem as death quickly approaches for her. After all the posturing in the previous episode as to the cause of Georgiou’s issues it turns out the answer was nearby all along. All Culber had to do was ask the now…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 8

“The Sanctuary” Star Trek: Discovery introduces the villainous Osyraa and presents a difficult situation for the Discovery crew to navigate. So far this season has had an issue with world building in that elements are introduced and not covered in any great detail. The Emerald Chain have been referenced a lot and used as an antagonist…

Star Trek: Discovery – Season 3 Episode 7

“Unification III” Star Trek: Discovery visits what used to be known as the Vulcans in search for more information that could unravel the mystery of The Burn. The fact that The Burn propels so much of the storytelling in this season is something I find immensely problematic. Mileage will definitely vary but I don’t find…