Marvel’s Spider-Man – Season 1 Episode 8

“Stark Expo” Marvel’s Spider-Man introduces the titular hero to a larger world when he meets Iron Man (Mick Wingert) at the Stark Expo. There have been mentions here and there of the wider Marvel universe such as Stark’s name being mentioned more than once and a name drop of the African Nation of Wakanda but…

Marvel’s Spider-Man – Season 1 Episode 7

“Symbiotic Relationship” Marvel’s Spider-Man moves the background Venom symbiote story to the front and explores Peter’s relationship with the alien creature. Peter’s time wearing the black suit has been explored a number of ways. Spider-Man 3 told this story, the 90s Spider-Man cartoon had its own version of it, Spectacular Spider-Man dealt with it in…

Marvel’s Spider-Man – Season 1 Episode 6

“Sandman” Marvel’s Spider-Man introduces classic Spidey villain Flint Marko aka Sandman (Travis Willingham) and takes a step forward setting up the ongoing Venom storyline. Sandman is a fairly well know Spider-Man villain thanks to his appearance in the divisive Spider-Man 3 so it makes sense that any adaptation would eventually do its own version of…

Marvel’s Spider-Man – Season 1 Episode 5

“Party Animals” Marvel’s Spider-Man picks up a lingering thread from the previous episode and moves the background plots forward. This episode surprised me as I fully expected things that were dealt with in this episode to linger a while longer. Two major things are dealt with with the first being the investigation into Harry Osborn…

Marvel’s Spider-Man – Season 1 Episode 4

“A Day in the Life” Marvel’s Spider-Man explores the difficulties Peter faces balancing his normal life with his responsibilities as Spider-Man. The work/life balance aspect of a superhero story is fairly standard yet necessary stuff. It is particularly well suited to Spider-Man as Peter Parker is a teenager who has to attend school, help his…