Star Wars Rebels – Season 4 Episode 8

“Crawler Commanders” Star Wars Rebels returns to a more traditional story for this show when the Lothal based team infiltrate a Mining Guild Crawler to get a message to Hera. What we have here is essentially another heist episode. As I’ve said before this is a common episode type for Star Wars Rebels probably because it…

Star Wars Rebels – Season 4 Episode 6

“”Flight of the Defender” Star Wars Rebels continues the return to Lothal with an information gathering mission on an upgraded TIE Defender that doesn’t go as planned. Heist episodes are fairly common on this show. They work well enough because they allow the characters to have a defined role and play to their strengths in…

Star Wars Rebels – Season 4 Episode 5

“The Occupation” Star Wars Rebels returns to Lothal to let Ezra attempt to save his home and complete the arc started last season. Lothal has been an important part of this show since it began. It’s Ezra’s home, it served as a base of operations of sorts for the team and ultimately it’s the place…

Star Wars Rebels – Season 4 Episode 4

“In the Name of the Rebellion Part 2” Star Wars Rebels follows on from the previous episode and continues exploring Saw Gerrera’s more extreme tactics against the Empire. The previous episode dealt with Saw’s tactics in opposition to Mon Mothma’s tactics which is interesting to a point but lacks in any practical examples. This episode…

Star Wars Rebels – Season 4 Episode 3

“In the Name of the Rebellion Part 1” Star Wars Rebels continues its final season with a focus on how the Ghost Crew fits into the wider tapestry of the Rebel Alliance. Last week I covered both episodes in their entirety because the first part didn’t have enough going on to justify analysis on its…